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Showing posts from March, 2008

Our Homeschooling Journey

Sisterlisa is hosting a monthly " Share Your Faith Carnival ."  The first one is a homeschooling edition.  She asked readers to share their testimony about how God led them to decide to homeschool.  We have been homeschooling our kids for about 9 years now….more accurately over 14 years now .  Let me explain… Our oldest daughter will turn 15 this July.  We have taught our kids the things of the Lord since birth (we sang to them songs about God and read to them Bible stories, etc.)  My husband and I are very protective  parents ….wanting to protect our kids from the things of the world.  We first heard (before we had kids) about "homeschooling" from my husband’s aunt who homeschooled her 2 girls (using ABeka).   Those girls were sweet and well-behaved.  We were impressed to say the least .  Another incident was when we visited a church, a topic of "homeschooling" somehow came up and...

Around the World

On Wed. , March 12th, at our co-op, we had an Around the World Geography Fair.  My 9 year old son did Switzerland and my 6 year old son did Japan.  Other countries that were presented include Vietnam, North Korea, France, Germany, Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania.  It was a fun learning experience for all. We learned that Swiss cheese (called "Emmentaler" in Switzerland) is left to ferment for over 4 months.  It makes carbon dioxide that forms into bubbles (holes).  In Oregon, there’s a mountain called "Matterhorn" which we believed was named after the Matterhorn in Switzerland (famous for the many climbers who have died trying to climb it).  Did you know that Lindt and Toblerone chocolate are from Switzerland? My 6 year old son enjoyed origami and he also wrote a haiku about Mt. Fuji. Snowy Mt. Fuji Pretty dormant volcano Japan’s tallest peak