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Showing posts from August, 2017

Book Review: The Mediterranean Love Plan by Stephen & Misty Arterburn with Becky Johnson

I think we can all agree that marriage takes work. But some people forget that it can and should be lots of fun, too! Even a happy marriage (like mine) can benefit from getting a refresher course in passion every now and then. I love this unique & inspiring book and eat it up. The Mediterranean Love Plan is unlike other marriage books. The authors (husband and wife) share 7 secrets to life-long passion in marriage and how these secrets are regularly practiced in the Mediterranean cultures/countries like Italy, Spain, France, Greece, and Israel. My husband and I are pretty romantic and playful. We have done several things mentioned in the book but I still found some fantastic, romantic ideas that I can't wait to apply. The book aims to help married couples enhance the joy of living and deepen the intimacy in their marriage. I like and appreciate the authors' candidness as they share their own experiences and thoughts on sex, food, fun, faith, beauty, creativity, health, a...

A Wonder-Filled Week of Family Vacation

Only one of five members in our family is a planner (our daughter). I can plan but I usually don't unless it's necessary. When it comes to a family vacation, planning seems necessary so I planned a little here and there and made our packing list two days before our departure. However, my husband is extremely spontaneous (he makes life more exciting :)). In a way, he literally walked by faith step by step. He did not make any hotel reservations (very hard to find availability in summer) or ferry reservations until a day or so before arrival at each destination. God has been so good and gracious to us. We're truly grateful for His provision and protection throughout the whole trip! Thanks to Annette (Eric's sister), we slept 3 nights at her place while we were in Washington and she was our tour guide in Seattle. Thursday, Aug. 10: Olympic National Park : Quinault River-Pony Bridge (5 mile hike on Graves Creek trail), Lake Quinault, Stayed the night in Ocean Shores ...