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What We Did…Last School Year (2006-2007)

This is a way of record-keeping for me.  We’re so thankful to the Lord for another year of homeschooling. 

All kids:
Bible Study/Prayer Time: Bible/memorization
                                           You Can Change the World Volume 1 and Volume 2
Character-building: A Child’s Book of Character Building Book 1 and Book 2
                                 A Child’s First Book of Virtues                   
Others: The World of Tools and Technology (Great Science Adventures Series)
              Unit study on 50 States using various resources and games
              Science experiments using various resources
              Postcard exchange with people from other states and countries
              Package exchange with other homeschoolers around the world
              Chess Club

Our daughter (13 yo then):
Math: Saxon Algebra 1
Accounting: LifePac Accounting
Grammar and Composition: A Beka Grammar and Compostion II
                                              Creative Writing for various contests
                                              Producing a monthly newsletter for family and friends
Literature: Learning Language Arts Through Literature (LLATL-Gray)
                  A Beka Of Places
                  CLP Studying Christian Literature
                  Tons of books (eg. The Gift of the Magi, Across Five Aprils, Jane of Lantern Hill, Hind’s Feet on High Places, Christmas Carol, Bronze Bow, The Courage of Sarah Noble, The Midnight Test, Johnny Tremain, A Life of Faith series, Christian Heroes: Then & Now series, etc.)
                  Co-op class
Vocabulary/Spelling: A Beka Vocabulary/Spelling/Poetry II
                                    Vocabulary from Classical Roots B
                                    Rummy Roots
Science: A Beka Matter & Motion in God’s Universe
               BJU Earth Science (partly)
Health: A Beka Let’s Be Healthy
History/Geography: A Beka America: Land I Love
                                  A Beka Geography Studies and Projects of the Western Hemisphere
                                  BJU The American Republic (partly)
Spanish: Co-op class
Speech: Co-op class
Logic: Co-op class
Art/Music: Piano, drawing, studying about famous artists and famous composers
P.E.: Basketball, hiking, biking, badminton, etc.

Our 8 yo son:
Math: Singapore Math 4A, 4 B
          A Beka Arithmetic 4 (partly)
Grammar/Language Arts: A Beka God’s Gift of Language A
                                            Daily Grams
                                            LLATL  Orange
Composition: Writing Strands
                      Creative Writing and Poetry Exercises
                      Correspondence with a penpal
Reading Comprehension: A Beka readers
                                          A Beka Read & Think 4
                                          Lots of books (non-fiction and fiction)
Penmanship (Cursive Writing): A Beka Penmanship Mastery I
Spelling/Vocabulary: A Beka Spelling, Vocabulary, & Poetry 4
                                    Wordly Wise Book 1
Science: A Beka Understanding God’s World
               BJU Science 4
Health: A Beka Developing Good Health
History/Geography: A Beka the History of Our United States
                                  BJU Heritage Studies4: Doors of Opportunity
Typing: Mavis Beacon Teaches Typing CDrom
             E-mail pal
Art/Music: piano, drawing, painting
P.E.: Basketball, football, biking, hiking, badminton, soccer, etc.

Our 5 yo son:
Math: A Beka Numbers Skills K
          Saxon Math 1
Phonics: A Beka Letters and Sounds K
               The Writing Road to Reading
Reading Comprehension: A Beka readers
                                          Lots of books (read-aloud and silent reading; he’s a good reader)
Science: A Beka God’s World
               CLP The World God Made
Social Studies: A Beka Social Studies K
Art/Music: piano, drawing, painting
P.E.: basketball, hiking, biking, soccer, etc.
Others: Lots of play time, hands-on activities, making "little books" on various topics of interest, educational CD-roms


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