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Review: Café Chocolat

Who (especially among women) doesn't love chocolate :)? Okay there may be a few exceptions. Group Publishing is offering several wonderful resources designed especially for women. One of them is Café Chocolat: Where Women Delight in God's Grace. I was given an opportunity to review this complete Women's Ministry Retreat Director's Kit. The kit includes Director's Guide, Worship Leader Guide, 6 Easy-to Delegate Session Leader Guides, Training & Promo DVD, Graphics & Other Goodies CD, journal, worship CD, God's Grace Bracelet, and Tote Bag. This kit contains everything necessary to plan, prepare, and lead a chocolate-themed, grace-filled retreat for women.

We chose to use chocolate as a metaphor for God’s grace. Those participating will taste God’s goodness through in-depth Bible study, unforgettable worship and a host of fun activities designed to help them slow down, enjoy their time together and grow closer to Jesus.” (~
Amy Nappa, who heads up the adult ministry resources team for Group Publishing) All the guides, the DVD, the CDroms, and the CD make the job of the retreat leader(s) very easy. Step by step instructions are given. The Training & Promo DVD includes two commercials, complete training session for leaders, and decorating ideas. The Graphics & Other Goodies CDroms provide promotional materials, registration forms, clip art, session helps, and evaluations. You will also get instrumental tracks of the songs. The song selections on the worship album are wonderful. They are all about God's grace! The eight songs are Amazing Grace, 'Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus, Grace Flows Down, Extravagant Grace, Create in Me (Psalm 51:10), Your Grace Is Enough, I Could Sing of Your Love Forever, and Mighty to Save. I am familiar with all but three. The song lyrics are included in the journal.

I have never led a women's retreat before but after I've looked over all the materials in this kit, I no longer feel so intimidated or overwhelmed. I love the flexible schedule and format available for three different options: a single day retreat, a one-night retreat, or an entire weekend retreat. I'm thinking about using this with our homeschool moms group. Cafe Chocolat is Bible-based and Christ-centered. The message covers Jesus' miracles and it's relevant to women of all ages. Cafe Chocolat (a retreat planner in a box) will help women relax and be refreshed in their relationship with God and with one another. What a sweet and fun treat it is!

"We praise God for the glorious grace He has poured out on us who belong to His dear Son." Ephesians 1:6

About Group Publishing:
Far more than just a publisher of Christian ministry resources, Group Publishing is dedicated to offering products for group settings designed to help grow the participant’s relationship with Jesus. With a team made up of ministry experts known the world over, the company has a solitary mission to help church ministries succeed. From kids’ crafts to teen mission trips and from women’s retreats to men’s Bible studies, everything that Group offers is designed to bring participants closer to God. Pursuing his dream to offer better tools for leading teens to Christ, Group Publishing founder Thom Schultz began the company in 1974 with the launch of GROUP Magazine, a resource periodical designed specifically for youth leaders, soon making Group’s name synonymous with youth ministry. It was not long afterward that Group decided to branch off into creating resources for children’s ministry. Soon the company was providing innovative VBS and children’s Sunday school programs and had successfully introduced Children’s Ministry Magazine. From there, creating resource materials for men’s and women’s ministries seemed a natural progression. Today, Group Publishing is recognized as a leader in the publishing of Christian resource materials for every age.

~I receive a free Cafe Chocolat kit through the B&B Media Group in exchange for my honest review. All opinions are my own.


  1. Are you doing this retreat? If so, do you have decorating ideas?


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