I have always thought of Barnabas as Mr. Encourager but this book, Authentic Influencer, by Jonathan Murphy, helps me have greater respect and appreciation for Barnabas as Mr. Authentic Influencer, too. Everyday God works through ordinary believers living an authentic everyday life of influence in everyday spheres of life. Whether you realize it or not, you are influencing others and being influenced by others. People shape people, for good or for bad. "Walk with the wise and become wise, for a companion of fools suffers harm." (Proverbs 13:20) In Authentic Influencer, the author draws valuable lessons and 15 key principles from the exemplary life of Barnabas (in Acts) that Christ's followers can copy, adapt, customize, and embody, in order to be active, authentic, godly influencers for Jesus. Never underestimate the impact of an authentic influencer. Barnabas influenced Paul, John Mark, and Luke. Authentic influencers can and do produce world changers.
The Great Commission (Matthew 28:19-20) is God's command (not an option) for every believer. All Christ's followers are to go and make disciples. We are to be light and salt. In other words, we must be authentic godly influencers making an eternal impact in this world for God's glory and God's kingdom. This book aims to help readers do just that. Besides gleaning from the Scriptures, Jonathan Murphy uses personal experiences, real-life examples of some well-known and not so well-known heroes of the Christian faith and historical figures. I like reading about John Knox, William Carey, George Wishart, John Geddie, John Campbell, Charles Spurgeon, Winston Churchill, etc. Jonathan Murphy is a great storyteller with a great sense of humor.
The book consists of 8 chapters. At the end of each chapter, you will find "Some Food for Thought" (thought-provoking questions and challenges to turn vision into action). The author also talks about emotional intelligence, interpersonal intelligence, organizational intelligence, cross-cultural intelligence, truth intelligence, relational intelligence, and more. I enjoyed reading the book from beginning to end. I love the fact that the author is passionate about the Great Commission (my passion, too) and about empowering others to organically and authentically influence lives and culture for Christ. I highly recommend this book. It is an insightful and inspiring read, full of practical wisdom and Biblical truths. Everyone needs a Barnabas (a loyal & supportive encourager/mentor), and everyone needs to be a Barnabas (a caring & dedicated godly influencer). Check out this book and discover how to live out the Barnabas way of shaping lives for Jesus. Remember that God does use ordinary men and women who are faithful, available, willing, and obedient. Genuine godliness is captivating and contagious. Let's make our lives count for God's glory and God's kingdom!
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"When kingdom living occurs by authentic followers of Jesus, the beauty of life under the rule of God is put on display." (p. 9)
"Your ability to influence those around you does not depend on having a certain personality and charming qualities. It is about the power of Christ in and through you. You can become an influencer for Christ. If you are a follower of Jesus, that is your calling." (p. 13)
"The bottom line is this: making disciples is about remodeling the heart after the image of Christ in light of truth and in the power of the Spirit through meaningful relationships with the right role models, all the glory of the Father." (p. 23)
"Discernment is that ability to perceive and grasp the true nature of what is really going on before it is obvious to others...A discerning person can comprehend what seems obscure to most. She or he can sift wisely between alternatives and then make good choices." (p. 64)
"God's view of every life is potential, not past. It's always future-oriented. It looks at what could be, not what was. Anyone can become anything despite any circumstances if in God's hands." (p. 69)
"It's amazing what could be unleashed in the life of another simply through your kind words, listening ears, helping hands, and connections. And that is what God wants from you...He still works through available and willing people." (p. 70)
"Legacy is not about making a name for yourself--that's shortsighted. In Jesus' kingdom, it's quite the opposite. Those who are genuine followers are farsighted; they live with an eternal perspective...They heed Jesus' words that you influence from a posture of servanthood. That's Christ's pattern." (p. 165)
~I received a free copy of this book via FrontGate Media in exchange for my honest review. All opinions are my own.
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