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Showing posts from June, 2011

21 Days of Prayer for Sons--Overcoming the Fear

I read pp. 46-47. This is extra beyond the 21 days of prayers for sons. Study Questions 1. Have you ever experienced anything like what Brooke describes in this chapter? A sense of fear in your parenting that you can't quite explain? Describe your experience here. Yes. Am I too harsh? Am I too strict? Am I too lenient? What if...?...I sometimes battle with these questions. 2. In this chapter, Brooke talks about trusting God to catch her as she dives off the edge of the cliff of her fears. Do you expect God to teach you all you need to know about parenting your son(s)? I hope and pray that God will continue to teach me and my husband all we need to know about parenting our sons and daughter. We certainly cannot do it on our own. 3. Have you ever felt like you needed a “talkin' to – a truth tellin'?” Sometimes we need to be reminded of the truth about who we are. Can you relate? Yes, reading/studying God's Word helps remind me of His truth/promises. 4. Do you...

21 Days of Prayer for Sons--Forgiveness

I can't believe that this is the 21st day already! I love praying the Scriptures for my sons...and my daughter, too. I know I will continue this and from time to time, I hope I'll get a chance to share about it on my blog here. After reading this chapter about forgiveness, I'm reminded once again: how thankful I am that my God, husband, and children are so forgiving !!! Unconditional love and unlimited forgiveness go hand in hand. Study Questions 1. Forgiveness can be such a stumbling block in our lives. Tons of studies exist that prove that withholding forgiveness affects us not only spiritually, but also physically. These facts, combined with what you've read in this chapter make a pretty compelling argument for teaching sons how to ask for forgiveness. How have you done it in the past? We have been teaching our sons to humbly admit when they have done wrong and ask for forgiveness from God and from the offended party. 2. What is your understanding of forgivene...

FIRST Wild Card Tour: The Spirit in Baseball and The Spirit in Football

It is time for a FIRST Wild Card Tour book review! If you wish to join the FIRST blog alliance, just click the button. We are a group of reviewers who tour Christian books. A Wild Card post includes a brief bio of the author and a full chapter from each book toured. The reason it is called a FIRST Wild Card Tour is that you never know if the book will be fiction, non~fiction, for young, or for old...or for somewhere in between! Enjoy your free peek into the book! You never know when I might play a wild card on you! Today's Wild Card author and illustrator are: Kathryn Nixon and Ana Boudreau and their books: The Spirit in Baseball Cross Training Publishing (2008) and The Spirit in Football The Spirit in Sports (2010) ***Special thanks to Audra Jennings, Senior Media Specialist, The B&B Media Group for sending me a review copy.*** ABOUT THE AUTHOR and ILLUSTRATOR: Kathryn Nixon was born in the small town of Rockingham, NC. She grew up involved in many sports inc...

Giveaway: Warrior Prayers E-Book by Brooke L. McGlothlin

This evening, I received an email from Brooke that I was the winner of the Book Bundle Giveaway she hosted on her blog last week. It was a wonderful surprise :)! One of the 3 e-books I won is Warrior Prayers   (Praying the Word for Boys in the Areas They Need it Most) which I already have. I have been participating in the 21 Days of Prayers for Our Sons . You can read my thoughts and my answers to study questions by scrolling down to the posts below. I asked Brooke if I could give the new one away. She graciously said yes. I'd like to bless one of you who have not yet owned this e-book. To enter: Please leave a comment here introducing yourself or let me know how old your son(s) is/are and please follow this blog via GFC or NetWorkedBlogs if you'd like to :) (not required). Make sure you also leave your email address so that I may contact you if you're selected (randomly) as the winner. Deadline: July 3rd at midnight (Pacific time) Extra Entries: 1. Fo...

21 Days of Prayer for Sons: When Hearts Soften

" What good will it be for a man if he gains the whole world, yet forfeits his soul? " (Matthew 16:26) Our sons' salvation should be our most important concern and most urgent prayer need. If they succeed in everything, receive praise and approval from all men, gain the riches of the world, yet they are not saved... that would be the greatest tragedy I could ever think of. My husband and I prayed for our children's salvation before they were born...even before they were conceived. In fact, I believe I prayed that God would not allow us to have a child if that child will not be saved by Him/will not choose Christ; I just could not (still cannot) bear knowing that any of my children's souls will end up in hell for eternity. Study Questions 1. Can you recall a time when you sensed your son's heart was soft to the message of the Gospel? Describe what happened here. They realized they needed a Savior. They repented and desired to obey God's Word. 2. Do yo...

21 Days of Prayer for Sons--The Fruit of the Spirit

This is my catch-up post :). I have been praying but have not had time to blog about it until now. We're in the middle of praying the Scriptures for our sons through the fruit of the Spirit: LOVE, JOY, PEACE, PATIENCE, KINDNESS, GOODNESS, FAITHFULNESS, GENTLENESS, and SELF-CONTROL. As you can tell from my blog's title, we're raising our children to be fruitbearers :). Study Questions 1. There comes a time in every child's life, when the sin-nature starts to show its ugly head. For Brooke and her husband, this came accompanied by a difficult, life-altering challenge that made it difficult for them to train their son. Can you relate? Yes. One of our sons has special needs and special challenges. 2. When things don't go as you planned, and life seems to throw you a curve-ball, what is your heart's response? Do you get angry with God? Stop talking to Him? My heart's response was sorrow, grief, and disappointment. I don't get angry with God. I talk to Hi...

21 Days of Prayer for Sons--Setting Apart/Avoiding Foolishness

Today, I read about Daniel, a man of faith and integrity, on pp. 20-21. I prayed the Scriptures about avoiding foolishness for my sons. Study Questions 1. Take a moment and think about your dreams for your sons. Be honest. Do you dream of having sons who are “without blemish, of good appearance and skillful in all wisdom, endowed with knowledge, understanding, learning, and competent to stand in the king's palace?” Of course :)! Seriously, I dream of having sons who love and trust God completely and live purposefully for Him. " The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge ." (Proverbs 1:7a) " For the Lord gives wisdom, and from His mouth come knowledge and understanding ." (Proverbs 2:6) 2. While attending a homeschool conference, Brooke heard Ken Ham, of Answers in Genesis, say “I would rather my children be ditch diggers and love Jesus, than PhDs and go to hell.” What is your response to this quote? I agree. " What good will it be for a man if ...

21 Days of Prayer for Sons--Integrity

Today, I read pp. 17-18. I prayed the Scriptures on integrity for my sons. " Integrity can be defined as firm adherence to a code of especially moral or artistic values or the quality or state of being complete or undivided. Someone who stands up for what is right no matter who is around. " (from the Warrior Prayers Leader Guide) I would like to add that integrity also includes standing up to defend what is right and fight what is wrong...come what may. " A person with inte grit y has 'grit'....Never mistake respectability for integrity. Respectability can come because of fear, power, position, or wealth. Integrity requires none of these. It stands on its own character. " (~Brent D. Earles) I made up an acronym for I.N.T.E.G.R.I.T.Y. I mitating Christ N o compromise T ruthful E arnest G rounded in God's principles R eliable I mmovable in righteousness T rustworthy Y ielding to Christ Study Questions 1. At the beginning of this chapte...

21 Days of Prayer for Sons--Obedience

I'm participating in the 21 Days of Prayer for Sons based on the ebook, Warrior Prayers : Praying the Word for Boys in the Areas They Need it Most  by  Brooke McGlothlin . This prayer challenge officially starts today. We are assigned to read pp.13-14 in the ebook. The topic for today is The Importance of Obedience. I prayed the Scriptures on obedience and submission to authority on pp.15-16 for my sons. Study Questions 1. Describe the first time your son(s) deliberately disobeyed you. Did you recognize it immediately? How did it make you feel? I honestly don't remember the first time my sons deliberately disobeyed me. I'm sure I recognized it immediately :). I probably felt sad and upset. I've heard before that even if your children did what you told them to do but chose to do it later (not when you indicated) or do it a different way than you told them to (thinking they knew better = pride) or do it grudgingly (wrong attitude), then they still have not ob...

21 Days of Prayer for Sons--The Battle

I'm participating in the 21 Days of Prayer for Sons based on the ebook, Warrior Prayers : Praying the Word for Boys in the Areas They Need it Most  by  Brooke McGlothlin . This prayer challenge will officially start tomorrow. Our group leader, Haelie, is giving us a head start. Today, she recommended we read pp.10-11 in the ebook. Brooke expressed concern that people even in the church have no idea what it means to be godly men. I shared my thoughts about that here . I prayed the Heart Change prayers on p.12. Study Questions 1. In this chapter, Brooke says that “all it takes to lose the truth of the Word of God is one set of parents who fail to teach it.” Did your parents raise you in a Christian home to know and love the Lord? What kind of impact has your upbringing had on the way you parent your sons? My parents were Buddhists. My father was hardly ever home and eventually left permanently. My brother and I were raised by our mother. By the grace of God, I ca...

What It Means to Be Godly Men

Sad but true, nowadays real men are rare and real Godly men are even rarer. In my opinion, a Godly man... - fears God, not men - submits to Christ as his ultimate authority - stands firm on the Word of God and displays discernment - is a doer of the Word, not just hearer and knower - stands up for what he believes in and for what is right - is not afraid to admit when he is wrong - leads with a servant's heart - is the provider and protector of his family - is responsible - is honest and trustworthy - is hard-working and diligent - is patient - strives for righteousness, Godliness, holiness, and pleasing the Lord, instead of power, fame, happiness, and wealth - perseveres through trials in spite of pain, sufferings, and adversity - dies to self and lives in Christ - is respectful to others and puts others above himself - is faithful in big things and small things - is courageous - does not whine - sees the needs of others and tries his best to meet those needs ...

21 Days of Prayer for Sons--Introduction

I'm participating in the 21 Days of Prayer for Sons based on the ebook, Warrior Prayers : Praying the Word for Boys in the Areas They Need it Most  by  Brooke McGlothlin . If you're interested, please leave a comment here including your Facebook URL. I can add you as a friend (I'm "Fruitbearer" on FB) and then add you to the group led by my online friend and sister in Christ, Haelie . The 21 Days of Prayer for Sons  will officially start on June 8th. Haelie has eased us into it slowly. I will share here from time to time what I learn or experience from this prayer challenge and some pictures of my boys :). Study Questions 1. Describe your current relationship with your son(s). Are they young? Teenagers? All grown up? Is your relationship with them what you want it to be? We are all close although my sons spend more time playing sports and doing guy stuff with my husband than with me :) (which I'm very thankful for). My sons are 12 and 9 (will be 13 and 1...